Search Results: "arturo"

11 January 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Great Debian meeting!

Last week we finally ended with a proper Debian informal meeting at Seville.

A total amount of 9 people attended, 3 of them DDs (Aurelien Jarno, Guillem Jover, Ana Guerrero) and 1 DM (me).

The meeting started with the usual "personal references" round, and then topics ranged from how to get more people involved with Debian, to GSoC-like programs discussions, and some Debian anecdotes as well.

There were also talks about when and how future meetings should be.

This meeting was hosted by, thanks to Pablo Neira (Netfilter project head).

Some pics of the moment:

3 December 2015

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: current status of HA stack on Debian

Let's analyse the current status of the HA (high availability) stack on Debian.

For me, the two most important packages are corosync and pacemaker.
It is widely known that Debian jessie was released without these two packages in shape.

But, why?
Problem 1One of the main problems was with the relationship between pacemaker and libqb.
In short, a libqb issue prevented pacemaker to be built for Debian jessie. And that wasn't fixed in time for the Debian jessie stable release.
You can read the Debian bug #768618 [pacemaker: FTBFS in jessie: build-dependency not installable: libqb-dev (>= 0.16.0.real)] to know a bit more about the issue.
Problem 2
While at it, the corosync package was in very bad shape.
To get an idea of what I mean for bad shape, just look at the size of the changelog of the first try to fix the package, almost 90 lines long.
Problem 3
Perhaps the most important problem: the Debian team behind the HA stack seems inactive.

This was sent by one of the members, 19 Jan 2015:
I wonder if there are any active members of the Debian linux-ha team.

So, there is clearly lack of manpower, lack of interest in maintaining the stack.
I'm sure the first 2 problems could have been resolved in time if the Debian team were active.
It's Debian! How is this possible!?I have asked that myself several times. Debian is a community and collaborative project. This means that the quality of the product (the OS itself) is directly related to the amount of effort spent on it (by people that in most cases aren't being paid for the task).
I believe that in such specific pieces of software, we require a bit more push from companies which are using it for their own benefit as well.

Also, perhaps the Debian QA team may step in and do something about the situation, let's say simply distributing a big REQUEST FOR HELP alert in all official Debian channels.
So, what if I need to run now corosync+pacemaker in Debian?
I'm sorry, you should stick to Debian wheezy :-(

Fortunately, the versions shipped in Debian wheezy are fine. Unfortunately, Debian wheezy contains lots of old software (such as the kernel).
What should I expect for Debian stretch?
Well, some good news: corosync and libqb have been already fixed and they look good.
The pacemaker package is still lacking the needed updates, but there are some people [slowly] working on it.
I myself have contributed a bit: tested some related packages, opened some bugs, and so on. See #801853 and #801870 for instance.

Note that the development status is not easy to follow. Among other things, the 'official' git packaging repos aren't being used.

From the user/sysadmin point of view, any important news will be reflected in the Debian package trackers. Here are links to both:
(BTW the new Debian tracker: what a nice tool)
I want to contribute!By now, I recommend you to head to the Debian IRC channel #debian-ha

4 November 2015

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Rant: Software Engineering in the University of Seville

I'm an IT engineering student at the University of Seville, where there are 3 flavours to choose:
* Computers engineering: mostly focused on hardware
* Software engineering: focused on software
* IT engineering: a mixture of things, including subjects dedicated to security and virtualization

Each of these last a total amount of 4 years (better said: courses).

Software Engineering is mostly the traditional IT engineering and it's what I'm doing.

The first course is almost common to all engineering: algebra, calculus, phyisics, electronics and so on.
You may find these subjects in all IT engineering flavours and also in other traditional engineering
like telecommunications, mechanical, industrial or aeronautics.

In the second year, the subjects tend to be specific for IT engineering: networking, databases, algorithms and so on.
The third and fourth courses are almost fully specific for each flavour of IT engineering.

The problem I've found is in the third year of Software engineering.
We have here subjects like the following:
* requirements engineering
* design and testing
* software process management

All of these are focused in what they consider our biggest possibility in our professional career: the regional government.

It turns out this is not Silicon Valley, and the regional government (Junta de Andaluc a) is in fact the biggest IT player in our region.
They run thousands of servers, networks and digital services both for the public and for internal administrative usage.
The government is known for massively running concrete technologies: Oracle and java. Almost all of the biggest applications are running these technologies.

The problem here is that our subjects are fully headed towards these technologies, also using methodologies
that I consider outdated. They think you are going to work in a classical software factory on the classical software consulting business.
And they do this explicitly: the first day in the 'design & testing' subject we were told by the professor that we are likely going to work in the 'local industry', so we need to learn these technologies and no others.

An example: last week I was given by a professor a VirtualBox (sic) virtual machine running Windows XP (yeah...) just to run Eclipse (for java development) in a controlled environment. They expect the host OS to be Windows as well.
Other example: to this day, no subject which requires the usage of a VCS is using git. They stick to svn.

This is very sad!

The other day, it felt event worse because a RedHat internship was announce in a college mailing list, which explicitly excluded students from Software Engineering.... because all the reasons above. How is this possible? RedHat is a software company!

Let's be constructive. These are some things I would like to see in Software Engineering:
* other software workflows (for example, the linux kernel development model or debian package lifecycle)
* modern free libre open source technologies! python! golang!
* packaging (for example: debian, rpm, docker...)
* new database systems (nosql) or at least no more Oracle (please switch to PostgreSQL or whatever)
* no more java! enough of java!

BTW some time ago I read somewhere that no student should graduate without contributing to a major open source project. I can't agree more.

26 October 2015

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Debian meeting at Sevilla (October 2015) report

There was a Debian meeting at Sevilla last week.

The meeting was meant to be informal, just to know each other, hang out and drink some beers. There are a several people involved or interested in Debian and FLOSS here, but we barely know in person.

The event was announced with more than 1 month of anticipation in several mailing list (debian lists, local lists and university lists as well) and there was about 14 people interested in the event who said it explicitly.

You can see the Wiki page I set:

From the 14 people, 3 contacted before the event to announce they won't attend. The lasting 11 people were supposed to attend :-) In the end, we were 4 people and 3 of us know each other beforehand.

The attenders:

This is a picture of that moment:

The truth is that we had a very good afternoon, but I personally missed some more people.
I remember Ana Guerrero telling me that a meeting of just 4-5 is indeed a victory :-)

We will have to try again :-)

18 August 2015

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: 2015 FLOSS summer report

debian logo
Good news. Many things happened since my last report (8 months ago), some of them very interesting :-)

debian maintainer

Back in April 2015 I applied to become Debian Maintainer (DM). I was supported by several Debian Developers (DD), including Ana Guerrero, Anibal Monsalve, Michael Prokop and Vicent Cheng. They are people I have been somehow involved with in the last times (developing, in-person meetings, other talks...).

After a month or two, my PGP key was added to the debian keyring.

And what means this? If a DD gives me the corresponding authorization, I can now upload packages directly to the archive without the need for a sponsor.

I have been maintaining packages as a standard contributor since early 2014. From 2014 to 2015 I've learned many many things about Debian. That knowledge was key to become DM.

Google Summer of Code 2015

This is my 3 year in GSoC. In 2013 and 2014 I was involved with the Netfilter Project, but this time I'm contributing to the Debian project.
In concrete, my project is "Improve the Debian port mipsel".

Most of the software is developed to run in common CPU architectures like amd64 and i386. However, Debian can run in a large variety of arches (not so many operating systems have this power). Developers tend to consider these arches 'exotic' and don't pay much attention to them.
The mips/mipsel architecture is somewhat similar to arm: its mainly intended for small devices.

My tasks consist mainly into fixing bugs and FTBFS errors in the mipsel architecture.

Roughly speaking, this can be done in two ways: emulating the mipsel arch using qemu, or using a physical mipsel machine. The qemu way is very very slow. Fortunately, as part of my GSoC involvement, I was given a ci20 mipsel board by Imagination Technologies. I have been using this board for all my GSoC work.

Detailing my work during this GSoC deserves his own blog post. However, the Debian workflow for GSoC'15 requires a weekly report, and here are mine:

  1. week 1
  2. week 2
  3. week 3
  4. week 4
  5. week 5
  6. week 6
  7. week 7
  8. week 8
  9. week 9
  10. week 10
  11. week 11
  12. week 12

no longer involved with the Netfilter Project

Such is life. Days only have 24 hours. I had to 'refactor' my priorities and my involvement with the Netfilter Project is now almost none. This happened back in May'15. I was in so many business that I had stress and even had anxiety. Among other things, this hard decision meant that I missed the Netfilter Workshop 2015 in Budapest :-(

My plan for 2016 is to focus in the University and pay bills with my full-time job as a system administrator.

other debian sutff

Regarding packaging, it worth mention my latest new package: liquidprompt. For people who get their hands dirty with the CLI, I recommend it :-)
I made lot of updates to the other packages as well.

The nftables package is now in jessie-backports. Debian includes now Linux v4 in jessie-backports as well, which mean you can start playing with a full-featured nftables right now :-)
I'm looking forward to package the following version of upstream nftables, which is to include new exciting changes.

best regards!

17 May 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 2 in Stretch cycle

What happened about the reproducible builds effort for this week: Media coverage Debian's effort on reproducible builds has been covered in the June 2015 issue of Linux Magazin in Germany. Cover of Linux Magazin June 2015 Article about reproducible builds in Linux Magazin June 2015 Toolchain fixes josch rebased the experimental version of debhelper on 9.20150507. Packages fixed The following 515 packages became reproducible due to changes of their build dependencies: airport-utils, airspy-host, all-in-one-sidebar, ampache, aptfs, arpack, asciio, aspell-kk, asused, balance, batmand, binutils-avr, bioperl, bpm-tools, c2050, cakephp-instaweb, carton, cbp2make, checkbot, checksecurity, chemeq, chronicle, cube2-data, cucumber, darkstat, debci, desktop-file-utils, dh-linktree, django-pagination, dosbox, eekboek, emboss-explorer, encfs, exabgp, fbasics, fife, fonts-lexi-saebom, gdnsd, glances, gnome-clocks, gunicorn, haproxy, haskell-aws, haskell-base-unicode-symbols, haskell-base64-bytestring, haskell-basic-prelude, haskell-binary-shared, haskell-binary, haskell-bitarray, haskell-bool-extras, haskell-boolean, haskell-boomerang, haskell-bytestring-lexing, haskell-bytestring-mmap, haskell-config-value, haskell-mueval, haskell-tasty-kat, itk3, jnr-constants, jshon, kalternatives, kdepim-runtime, kdevplatform, kwalletcli, lemonldap-ng, libalgorithm-combinatorics-perl, libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl, libany-uri-escape-perl, libanyevent-http-scopedclient-perl, libanyevent-perl, libanyevent-processor-perl, libapache-session-wrapper-perl, libapache-sessionx-perl, libapp-options-perl, libarch-perl, libarchive-peek-perl, libaudio-flac-header-perl, libaudio-wav-perl, libaudio-wma-perl, libauth-yubikey-decrypter-perl, libauthen-krb5-simple-perl, libauthen-simple-perl, libautobox-dump-perl, libb-keywords-perl, libbarcode-code128-perl, libbio-das-lite-perl, libbio-mage-perl, libbrowser-open-perl, libbusiness-creditcard-perl, libbusiness-edifact-interchange-perl, libbusiness-isbn-data-perl, libbusiness-tax-vat-validation-perl, libcache-historical-perl, libcache-memcached-perl, libcairo-gobject-perl, libcarp-always-perl, libcarp-fix-1-25-perl, libcatalyst-action-serialize-data-serializer-perl, libcatalyst-controller-formbuilder-perl, libcatalyst-dispatchtype-regex-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authorization-acl-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-cache-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-static-simple-perl, libcatalyst-view-gd-perl, libcgi-application-dispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-logdispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl, libcgi-application-server-perl, libcgi-compile-perl, libcgi-xmlform-perl, libclass-accessor-classy-perl, libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl, libclass-accessor-perl, libclass-c3-adopt-next-perl, libclass-dbi-plugin-type-perl, libclass-field-perl, libclass-handle-perl, libclass-load-perl, libclass-ooorno-perl, libclass-prototyped-perl, libclass-returnvalue-perl, libclass-singleton-perl, libclass-std-fast-perl, libclone-perl, libconfig-auto-perl, libconfig-jfdi-perl, libconfig-simple-perl, libconvert-basen-perl, libconvert-ber-perl, libcpan-checksums-perl, libcpanplus-dist-build-perl, libcriticism-perl, libcrypt-cracklib-perl, libcrypt-dh-gmp-perl, libcrypt-mysql-perl, libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl, libcrypt-simple-perl, libcss-packer-perl, libcss-tiny-perl, libcurses-widgets-perl, libdaemon-control-perl, libdancer-plugin-database-perl, libdancer-session-cookie-perl, libdancer2-plugin-database-perl, libdata-format-html-perl, libdata-uuid-libuuid-perl, libdata-validate-domain-perl, libdate-jd-perl, libdate-simple-perl, libdatetime-astro-sunrise-perl, libdatetime-event-cron-perl, libdatetime-format-dbi-perl, libdatetime-format-epoch-perl, libdatetime-format-mail-perl, libdatetime-tiny-perl, libdatrie, libdb-file-lock-perl, libdbd-firebird-perl, libdbix-abstract-perl, libdbix-class-datetime-epoch-perl, libdbix-class-dynamicdefault-perl, libdbix-class-introspectablem2m-perl, libdbix-class-timestamp-perl, libdbix-connector-perl, libdbix-oo-perl, libdbix-searchbuilder-perl, libdbix-xml-rdb-perl, libdevel-stacktrace-ashtml-perl, libdigest-hmac-perl, libdist-zilla-plugin-emailnotify-perl, libemail-date-format-perl, libemail-mime-perl, libemail-received-perl, libemail-sender-perl, libemail-simple-perl, libencode-detect-perl, libexporter-tidy-perl, libextutils-cchecker-perl, libextutils-installpaths-perl, libextutils-libbuilder-perl, libextutils-makemaker-cpanfile-perl, libextutils-typemap-perl, libfile-counterfile-perl, libfile-pushd-perl, libfile-read-perl, libfile-touch-perl, libfile-type-perl, libfinance-bank-ie-permanenttsb-perl, libfont-freetype-perl, libfrontier-rpc-perl, libgd-securityimage-perl, libgeo-coordinates-utm-perl, libgit-pureperl-perl, libgnome2-canvas-perl, libgnome2-wnck-perl, libgraph-readwrite-perl, libgraphics-colornames-www-perl, libgssapi-perl, libgtk2-appindicator-perl, libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl, libgtk2-notify-perl, libhash-asobject-perl, libhash-moreutils-perl, libhtml-calendarmonthsimple-perl, libhtml-display-perl, libhtml-fillinform-perl, libhtml-form-perl, libhtml-formhandler-model-dbic-perl, libhtml-html5-entities-perl, libhtml-linkextractor-perl, libhtml-tableextract-perl, libhtml-widget-perl, libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl, libhtml-wikiconverter-mediawiki-perl, libhttp-async-perl, libhttp-body-perl, libhttp-date-perl, libimage-imlib2-perl, libimdb-film-perl, libimport-into-perl, libindirect-perl, libio-bufferedselect-perl, libio-compress-lzma-perl, libio-compress-perl, libio-handle-util-perl, libio-interface-perl, libio-multiplex-perl, libio-socket-inet6-perl, libipc-system-simple-perl, libiptables-chainmgr-perl, libjoda-time-java, libjsr305-java, libkiokudb-perl, liblemonldap-ng-cli-perl, liblexical-var-perl, liblingua-en-fathom-perl, liblinux-dvb-perl, liblocales-perl, liblog-dispatch-configurator-any-perl, liblog-log4perl-perl, liblog-report-lexicon-perl, liblwp-mediatypes-perl, liblwp-protocol-https-perl, liblwpx-paranoidagent-perl, libmail-sendeasy-perl, libmarc-xml-perl, libmason-plugin-routersimple-perl, libmasonx-processdir-perl, libmath-base85-perl, libmath-basecalc-perl, libmath-basecnv-perl, libmath-bigint-perl, libmath-convexhull-perl, libmath-gmp-perl, libmath-gradient-perl, libmath-random-isaac-perl, libmath-random-oo-perl, libmath-random-tt800-perl, libmath-tamuanova-perl, libmemoize-expirelru-perl, libmemoize-memcached-perl, libmime-base32-perl, libmime-lite-tt-perl, libmixin-extrafields-param-perl, libmock-quick-perl, libmodule-cpanfile-perl, libmodule-load-conditional-perl, libmodule-starter-pbp-perl, libmodule-util-perl, libmodule-versions-report-perl, libmongodbx-class-perl, libmoo-perl, libmoosex-app-cmd-perl, libmoosex-attributehelpers-perl, libmoosex-blessed-reconstruct-perl, libmoosex-insideout-perl, libmoosex-relatedclassroles-perl, libmoosex-role-timer-perl, libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl, libmoosex-storage-perl, libmoosex-types-common-perl, libmoosex-types-uri-perl, libmoox-singleton-perl, libmoox-types-mooselike-numeric-perl, libmousex-foreign-perl, libmp3-tag-perl, libmysql-diff-perl, libnamespace-clean-perl, libnet-bonjour-perl, libnet-cli-interact-perl, libnet-daap-dmap-perl, libnet-dbus-glib-perl, libnet-dns-perl, libnet-frame-perl, libnet-google-authsub-perl, libnet-https-any-perl, libnet-https-nb-perl, libnet-idn-encode-perl, libnet-idn-nameprep-perl, libnet-imap-client-perl, libnet-irc-perl, libnet-mac-vendor-perl, libnet-openid-server-perl, libnet-smtp-ssl-perl, libnet-smtp-tls-perl, libnet-smtpauth-perl, libnet-snpp-perl, libnet-sslglue-perl, libnet-telnet-perl, libnhgri-blastall-perl, libnumber-range-perl, libobject-signature-perl, libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl, libopenoffice-oodoc-perl, libparse-cpan-packages-perl, libparse-debian-packages-perl, libparse-fixedlength-perl, libparse-syslog-perl, libparse-win32registry-perl, libpdf-create-perl, libpdf-report-perl, libperl-destruct-level-perl, libperl-metrics-simple-perl, libperl-minimumversion-perl, libperl6-slurp-perl, libpgobject-simple-perl, libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl, libplack-test-externalserver-perl, libplucene-perl, libpod-tests-perl, libpoe-component-client-ping-perl, libpoe-component-jabber-perl, libpoe-component-resolver-perl, libpoe-component-server-soap-perl, libpoe-component-syndicator-perl, libposix-strftime-compiler-perl, libposix-strptime-perl, libpostscript-simple-perl, libproc-processtable-perl, libprotocol-osc-perl, librcs-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libreturn-multilevel-perl, librivescript-perl, librouter-simple-perl, librrd-simple-perl, libsafe-isa-perl, libscope-guard-perl, libsemver-perl, libset-tiny-perl, libsharyanto-file-util-perl, libshell-command-perl, libsnmp-info-perl, libsoap-lite-perl, libstat-lsmode-perl, libstatistics-online-perl, libstring-compare-constanttime-perl, libstring-format-perl, libstring-toidentifier-en-perl, libstring-tt-perl, libsub-recursive-perl, libsvg-tt-graph-perl, libsvn-notify-perl, libswish-api-common-perl, libtap-formatter-junit-perl, libtap-harness-archive-perl, libtemplate-plugin-number-format-perl, libtemplate-plugin-yaml-perl, libtemplate-tiny-perl, libtenjin-perl, libterm-visual-perl, libtest-block-perl, libtest-carp-perl, libtest-classapi-perl, libtest-cmd-perl, libtest-consistentversion-perl, libtest-data-perl, libtest-databaserow-perl, libtest-differences-perl, libtest-file-sharedir-perl, libtest-hasversion-perl, libtest-kwalitee-perl, libtest-lectrotest-perl, libtest-module-used-perl, libtest-object-perl, libtest-perl-critic-perl, libtest-pod-coverage-perl, libtest-script-perl, libtest-script-run-perl, libtest-spelling-perl, libtest-strict-perl, libtest-synopsis-perl, libtest-trap-perl, libtest-unit-perl, libtest-utf8-perl, libtest-without-module-perl, libtest-www-selenium-perl, libtest-xml-simple-perl, libtest-yaml-perl, libtex-encode-perl, libtext-bibtex-perl, libtext-csv-encoded-perl, libtext-csv-perl, libtext-dhcpleases-perl, libtext-diff-perl, libtext-quoted-perl, libtext-trac-perl, libtext-vfile-asdata-perl, libthai, libthread-conveyor-perl, libthread-sigmask-perl, libtie-cphash-perl, libtie-ical-perl, libtime-stopwatch-perl, libtk-dirselect-perl, libtk-pod-perl, libtorrent, libturpial, libunicode-japanese-perl, libunicode-maputf8-perl, libunicode-stringprep-perl, libuniversal-isa-perl, libuniversal-moniker-perl, liburi-encode-perl, libvi-quickfix-perl, libvideo-capture-v4l-perl, libvideo-fourcc-info-perl, libwiki-toolkit-plugin-rss-reader-perl, libwww-mechanize-formfiller-perl, libwww-mechanize-gzip-perl, libwww-mechanize-perl, libwww-opensearch-perl, libx11-freedesktop-desktopentry-perl, libxc, libxml-dtdparser-perl, libxml-easy-perl, libxml-handler-trees-perl, libxml-libxml-iterator-perl, libxml-libxslt-perl, libxml-rss-perl, libxml-validator-schema-perl, libxml-xpathengine-perl, libxml-xql-perl, llvm-py, madbomber, makefs, mdpress, media-player-info, meta-kde-telepathy, metamonger, mmm-mode, mupen64plus-audio-sdl, mupen64plus-rsp-hle, mupen64plus-ui-console, mupen64plus-video-z64, mussort, newpid, node-formidable, node-github-url-from-git, node-transformers, nsnake, odin, otcl, parsley, pax, pcsc-perl, pd-purepd, pen, prank, proj, proot, puppet-module-puppetlabs-postgresql, python-async, python-pysnmp4, qrencode, r-bioc-graph, r-bioc-hypergraph, r-bioc-iranges, r-bioc-xvector, r-cran-pscl, rbenv, rlinetd, rs, ruby-ascii85, ruby-cutest, ruby-ejs, ruby-factory-girl, ruby-hdfeos5, ruby-kpeg, ruby-libxml, ruby-password, ruby-zip-zip, sdl-sound1.2, stterm, systemd, taktuk, tcc, tryton-modules-account-invoice, ttf-summersby, tupi, tuxpuck, unknown-horizons, unsafe-mock, vcheck, versiontools, vim-addon-manager, vlfeat, vsearch, xacobeo, xen-tools, yubikey-personalization-gui, yubikey-personalization. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which did not make their way to the archive yet: Alioth now hosts a script that can be used to redo builds and test for a package. This was preliminary done manually through requests over the IRC channel. This should reduce the number of interruptions for jenkins' maintainers The graph of the oldest build per day has been fixed. Maintainance scripts will not error out when they are no files to remove. Holger Levsen started work on being able to test variations of CPU features and build date (as in build in another month of 1984) by using virtual machines. debbindiff development Version 18 has been released. It will uses proper comparators for pk3 and info files. Tar member names are now assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. The limit for the maximum number of different lines has been removed. Let's see on how it goes for pathological cases. It's now possible to specify both --html and --text output. When neither of them is specified, the default will be to print a text report on the standard output (thanks to Paul Wise for the suggestion). Documentation update Nicolas Boulenguez investigated Ada libraries. Package reviews 451 obsolete reviews have been removed and 156 added this week. New identified issues: running kernel version getting captured, random filenames in GHC debug symbols, and timestamps in headers generated by qdbusxml2cpp. Misc. Holger Levsen went to re:publica and talked about reproducible builds to developers and users there. Holger also had a chance to meet FreeBSD developers and discuss the status of FreeBSD. Investigations have started on how it could be made part of our current test system. Laurent Guerby gave Lunar access to systems in the GCC Compile Farm. Hopefully access to these powerful machines will help to fix packages for GCC, Iceweasel, and similar packages requiring long build times.

25 January 2014

Russell Coker: Links January 2014

Fast Coexist has an interesting article about the art that Simon Beck creates by walking in snow [1]. If you are an artist you can create art in any way, even by walking in patterns in the snow. Russ Altman gave an interesting TED talk about using DNA testing before prescribing drugs [2]. I was surprised by the amount of variation in effects of codeine based on genetics, presumably many other drugs have a similar range. Helen Epstein wrote an interesting article about Dr. Sara Josephine Baker who revolutionised child care and saved the lives of a huge number of children [3]. Her tenacity is inspiring. Also it s interesting to note that the US Republican party was awful even before the Southern Strategy . The part about some doctors opposing child care because it s the will of God for children to die and keep them in employment is chilling. Jonathan Weiler wrote an insightful article about the problems with American journalism in defending the government [4]. He criticises the media for paying more attention to policing decorum than to content. Tobias Buckell wrote an interesting post about the so-called socialised health-care in the US [5]. He suggests that Ronald Reagan socialised health-care by preventing hospitals from dumping dying people on the street. I guess if doing nothing for people until they have a medical emergency counts as socialised health-care then the US has it. Kelvin Thomson MP made some insightful comments about climate change, the recent heat-wave in Australia, and renewable energy [6]. Iwan Baan gave an interesting TED talk about ways that people have built cheap homes in unexpected places [7], lots of good pictures. Racialicious has an interesting article by Arturo R. Garc a about research into the effects of concussion and the way the NFL in the US tried to prevent Dr. Bennet Omalu publicising the results of his research [8]. Stani (Jan Schmidt) wrote an interesting post about how they won a competition to design a commemerative Dutch 5 Euro coin [9]. The coin design is really good (a candidate for the geekiest coin ever), I want one! Seriously if anyone knows how to get one at a reasonable price (IE close to face value for circulated or not unreasonably expensive for uncirculated) then please let me know. When writing about Edward Snowden, Nathan says Imagine how great a country would be if if it were governed entirely by people who Dick Cheney would call Traitor [10]. That s so right, that might make the US a country I d be prepared to live in. Andrew Solomon gave an interesting TED talk Love No Matter What about raising different children [11]. Aditi Shankardass gave an interesting TED talk about using an ECG to analyse people diagnosed wit severe Autism and other developmental disorders [12]. Apparently some severe cases of Autism have a root cause that can be treated with anti-seizure medication. George Monbiot wrote an insightful article about the way that Bono and Bob Geldoff promote G8 government intervention in Africa and steal air-time that might be given to allow Africans to represent themselves in public debates [13]. Daniel Pocock wrote an informative article about racism in Australian politics and how it is bad for job-seekers and the economy (in addition to being horribly wrong) [14]. Aeon Magazine has an interesting article by Anne Buchanan about the difference between scientists and farmers [15]. She has some interesting points about the way that the lack of general knowledge impacts research, but misses the point that in most fields of study there is a huge problem of people not knowing about recent developments in their own field. I don t think it s a pipe dream to be well educated in humanities and science, but I guess that depends on the definition of well educated . Brian Cox gave an interesting TED talk titled Why We Need the Explorers about the benefits of scientific research [16]. Yupu Zhang, Abhishek Rajimwale, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau from the University of Wisconsin-Madison wrote an interesting paper about ZFS corruption in the face of disk and memory errors [17]. One thing to note is that turning off atime can reduce the probability of a memory error leading to corrupt data being written to disk, run zfs set atime=off tank to fix this. The comedian Solomon Georgio celebrated Martin Luther King day by tweeting I love you to racists [18]. It s an interesting approach and appears to have worked well.

6 January 2009

Gunnar Wolf: Historias de la Historia del c mputo en m xico

Some months ago, I got a phone call from Rafael Fern ndez Flores. He wanted to interview me for a book he was working on regarding the history of computers in Mexico. The first computer in Latin America was installed in 1958 at my University (UNAM), and last year there were several activities conmemorating it. One of said activities is the publication of the book Historias de la Historia del c mputo en m xico, by Rafael Fern ndez and Margarita Ontiveros.
The book was printed in November, and Rafael gave me my copy in early December. It is quite an entertaining read - I mostly enjoyed the archaeological parts of it, referring to the 1950s and 1960s, and with many people that I know first hand (as my father is one of the founding researchers of the Centro de Investigaci n en Matem ticas Aplicadas, Sistemas y Servicios, CIMASS, now IIMAS).
I do believe, anyway, the book is focused too heavily on what happened in the large-scale computer world during a fundamental point in time for me (late 1970s, early 1980s) - It shows that the authors were very involved in the important projects the University set foot on, but they overlook fundamental pieces of the history. Very important developments were made in smaller venues (it was shocking for me to find only one mention, and just as a reference, to Fundaci n Arturo Rosenblueth and its great Centros Galileo, where many hundreds of kids (me included) learned to love computers, to program, and had a thriving socialization place. I also missed mentions of the BBS scene in Mexico, for which there are various exponents. And, just to single out one person, I found it absurd to have me interviewed and not to include La Mancha de la Calabaza que Ladra.
One of the last chapters -there are over 40 chapters, stemming from over 30 individual interviews- publishes the talk I had with Rafael. I must say there are small errata in its transcription (the first example that comes to my mind: I told him that one of the fruits of the OLPC project was the appearance of the now-popular netbooks, partly due to the appearance of lower cost parts, but I must reiterate I didn't say the Asus EEE is a part of said project). You can I am attaching my interview (as scanned, low-res images) to this post, in case you are interested.
Anyway - If the topic interests you, you will find many interesting passages, many passages you will surely laugh with and probably remember. The book is very well laid out. And it is a great joy to be part of it!

22 January 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: El presidente de la transparencia...

pacta en la m s absoluta clandestinidad. Tal es la obscuridad y el secretismo, que ni su socio en la Generalidad catalana (ERC) sabe a n lo que se ha pactado con CiU, el partido que all est en la oposici n. Tras la bajada de pantalones que supuso el traslado de los archivos de Salamanca y que se realiz con total nocturnidad, ahora pactamos un estauto para la Comunidad Aut noma de Catalu a inconstitucional y de espaldas al resto de Espa a. Eso s , que sepa el presidente que una vez m s, como en los ltimos 25 a os, cada vez que se le concede algo a los nacionalistas, estos ya no est n de acuerdo y no les parece suficiente. Como perla, las palabras de Arturo Mas:
"Es un salto adelante, que no renunciamos a completar en a os futuros"

8 January 2006

Moray Allan

Some of the books I read in 2005:

Bruce Feiler, Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses
Georges Perec, Species of Spaces and other pieces
Bob McCulloch, My Fare City: A Taxi Driver's Guide to Edinburgh
Origen, On First Principles (translated by G. W. Butterworth)
Sin-leqi-unninni, Gilgamesh: a new English version by Stephen Mitchell
Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
Richard Fletcher, The Conversion of Europe: from paganism to Christianity 371–1386 AD
M. A. Screech, Laughter at the Foot of the Cross
Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Otto Friedrich, The Kingdom of Auschwitz
Nicholas Barton, The Lost Rivers of London: a study of their effects upon London and Londoners, and the effects of London and Londoners upon them
Anton Chekhov, The Steppe and Other Stories (translated by Ronald Hingley)
George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London
Otto F. A. Meinardus, Coptic Saints and Pilgrimages
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
R.W.B. Lewis, Dante: a life
Miles Glendinning and Aonghus MacKechnie, Scottish Architecture
Arturo P rez-Reverte, The Flanders Panel
John Chadwick, The Decipherment of Linear B (second edition)
Bart D. Ehrman, Lost Christianities: the battles for Scripture and the faiths we never knew
Plato, Timaeus and Critias (translated by Desmond Lee)
Albert Camus, The Outsider
Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins, Rosslyn: guardian of the secrets of the Holy Grail
Ginevra Lovatelli, Secret Rome
Dauvit Brown and Thomas Owen Clancy (editors), Spes Scotorum: Hope of Scots: Saint Columba, Iona and Scotland
Plato, Phaedrus and Letters VII and VIII (translated by Walter Hamilton)
William Chester Jordan, Europe in the High Middle Ages (The Penguin History of Europe)
J. M. Coetzee, Disgrace
Giovanni Boccaccio, Famous Women (translated by Virginia Brown)
Kazuo Ishiguro, An Artist of the Floating World
Georges Perec, A Void (translated by Gilbert Adair)
Saul Bellow, The Victim
Franz Kafka, The Trial
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Francesco Colonna, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Strife of Love in a Dream (translated by Joscelyn Godwin)
Italo Calvino, Our Ancestors (The Cloven Viscount; Baron in the Trees; The Non-Existent Knight) (translated by Archibald Colquhoun)
Eusebius, The History of the Church (translated by G. A. Williamson)
Flynt Leverett, Inheriting Syria: Bashar's trial by fire
Paul Auster, The New York Trilogy (City of Glass; Ghosts; The Locked Room)

